Creation is pregnant with divine expectation, we are being filled with life, RESURRECTION LIFE. WE ARE FULL OF EXPECTANT GREETINGS FOR AN AWESOME COMING GOD. We stand on the verge of living in and through an all present and available, all powerful all consuming God. As the spirit of God touches our Spirit, telling us who he is and who we have become. We know who he is and we know who we are, FATHER AND SONS AND DAUGHTERS. We are awakened to an unbelievable inheritance, IN CHRIST. THE WORLD ONLY OFFERS US TRIBULATION, WHILE CHRIST GIVES TO US HIS MOST WONDERFUL PEACE. None of this even fazes us, the love of our Lord is so real all around us. I am so greatly assured that nothing living, nothing dead, even the Angelic, or the demonic, today or tomorrow, nothing high or low, thinkable or unthinkable, absolutely nothing can get between us and our God' s love, It is Jesus our Lord who holds us so closely, with his heavenly embrace. Let us go forward, in the full assurance of the blessed Spirit of God, we have the victory, Jesus gave it to us, we will Reign in the Kingdom of God forever, AMEN AND AMEN.
THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD:The scriptures says, Jesus was the only begotten of the father; in the original text it says, he was God, he was only begotten. There is a difference in those two phrases; because he was God, only he was born, The on going process of that is that God is still taking upon Himself flesh and bone, the book of Ephesians says that we are bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, we are of his body. Not that we are ever going to be God Most High, but we are becoming his bone, his flesh, even his body in the earth. CHRIST HEAD, AND CHRIST BODY, 1st John-2-8 says of the two, head and body, that what is true of the head is also true of the body. Jesus said, that he was the vine, and that we his disciples, are the branches, connected to the vine, everything that is in the vine, has to be in the branch, as long as the connections stay strong. The head and the body have the same life in them, there is not one thing that the head possesses that the body doesn...
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