PART ONE OF FIVE TEACHING OF WORDS THAT CARRY THE VALUE OF 666---In all the languages, all the words that we have, there are only five words that have a numeral value of 666, they are, PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, SCATTERED, Let me say it this way, any time that we have these words working in our lives in the negative form, we are being affected by the nature of the beast, the nature of the Anti- Christ, as we look at these words, let come to understand how we can overcome, the fleshly conversation of the deeds, and lifestyle of the earthy man, and see that our conversation is in heaven from where we look for Christ our savior, and come to know through the renewal of the mind, THE TRANSFORMATION, TO BECOME THE HEAVENLY MAN, IN THE HEAVENLY CHRIST, THAT COMES TO KNOW AND PROVE, THE GOOD ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD. Anytime that we fine ourselves perishing, we are being affected by the nature of the six man. Scripture tells us our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day, 2nd Cor-4-16, so we cannot live from our outward man, that perishes each and everyday, to do so would be living out of the 666 nature, scripture tells us that if the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead be in us, that it would Quicken our mortal bodies, bring life out to the outward man, and stop the perishing process, Romans-8-11. We see in 1st Cor -15 that if we learn to live in the incorruptible, and get all the corruption out of our minds, then the mortal, will then put on immortality. So living from the inward man, and not living from the outward man, the inward is continually renewed, and speaks to the outward the words of Spirit and life that can reverse the perishing in the outward man, Ezekiel-10-5 and Romans-8-11 Thus the numeral value of 666 no longer affects the new creature that we are, so as Galatians-6 tells us we become the true ISRAEL OF GOD WHEN WE LIVE BY THE RULE OF THE NEW CREATURE. Jesus came to bring us life, and we can have that life more Abundantly. So let it work in your SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY AS IT IS PRESERVED BLAMELESS UNTO THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST 1ST THESS-5-23. We will look at each of these words that carry the numeral value of 666 and show how having these words in your life in the negative FORM can cause you to live out of the six man, instead of giving portion to seven and to eight as we are told to in Ecclesiastes-11-1-2. AS WE LIVE FROM SEVEN, WE LIVE OUT OF WHAT SEVEN MEANS, REST, SPIRITUAL COMPLETION, AND SPIRITUAL PERFECTION OR MATURELY. TO LIVE FROM EIGHT WE ARE LIVING FROM THE NEW COVENANT, AS NEW CREATURES, EIGHT REPRESENTS NEW ORDER OR NEW BEGINNING. God bless we will teach lesson two soon
PART ONE OF FIVE TEACHING OF WORDS THAT CARRY THE VALUE OF 666---In all the languages, all the words that we have, there are only five words that have a numeral value of 666, they are, PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, SCATTERED, Let me say it this way, any time that we have these words working in our lives in the negative form, we are being affected by the nature of the beast, the nature of the Anti- Christ, as we look at these words, let come to understand how we can overcome, the fleshly conversation of the deeds, and lifestyle of the earthy man, and see that our conversation is in heaven from where we look for Christ our savior, and come to know through the renewal of the mind, THE TRANSFORMATION, TO BECOME THE HEAVENLY MAN, IN THE HEAVENLY CHRIST, THAT COMES TO KNOW AND PROVE, THE GOOD ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD. Anytime that we fine ourselves perishing, we are being affected by the nature of the six man. Scripture tells us our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day, 2nd Cor-4-16, so we cannot live from our outward man, that perishes each and everyday, to do so would be living out of the 666 nature, scripture tells us that if the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead be in us, that it would Quicken our mortal bodies, bring life out to the outward man, and stop the perishing process, Romans-8-11. We see in 1st Cor -15 that if we learn to live in the incorruptible, and get all the corruption out of our minds, then the mortal, will then put on immortality. So living from the inward man, and not living from the outward man, the inward is continually renewed, and speaks to the outward the words of Spirit and life that can reverse the perishing in the outward man, Ezekiel-10-5 and Romans-8-11 Thus the numeral value of 666 no longer affects the new creature that we are, so as Galatians-6 tells us we become the true ISRAEL OF GOD WHEN WE LIVE BY THE RULE OF THE NEW CREATURE. Jesus came to bring us life, and we can have that life more Abundantly. So let it work in your SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY AS IT IS PRESERVED BLAMELESS UNTO THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST 1ST THESS-5-23. We will look at each of these words that carry the numeral value of 666 and show how having these words in your life in the negative FORM can cause you to live out of the six man, instead of giving portion to seven and to eight as we are told to in Ecclesiastes-11-1-2. AS WE LIVE FROM SEVEN, WE LIVE OUT OF WHAT SEVEN MEANS, REST, SPIRITUAL COMPLETION, AND SPIRITUAL PERFECTION OR MATURELY. TO LIVE FROM EIGHT WE ARE LIVING FROM THE NEW COVENANT, AS NEW CREATURES, EIGHT REPRESENTS NEW ORDER OR NEW BEGINNING. God bless we will teach lesson two soon
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