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PART THREE; FIVE WORDS THAT HOLD THE NUMERAL VALUE 666 Today as we look at these 5 words PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, AND SCATTERED, in this issue we look at the word SIDE, Let us look at how Israel and our Lord looked at the situations of taking sides, and being on different sides, in Psalm-124-1-2 we will look at how Israel looked at the side issue, If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say; If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: The nation of Israel said what they believed, they said that The Lord was on their side, they said what it was that they believed, they believed that the Lord took sides, and was on their side, but let us look at what the Lord said, when he was asked who side are you on? In The book of Joshua-5-13-15 Joshua had went out into a field in the evening and was in deep meditations, when he met a man with a sword drawn in his hand, he ask the man, ART THOU FOR US, OR FOR OUR ADVERSARIES? THE MAN ANSWERED NAY AS CAPTAIN OF THE LORDS HOST HAVE I COME, Joshus then fell on his face and did worship, then the Captian of the Lords host said LOOSE THY SHOES FROM OFF THY FEET FOR YOU ARE STANDING IN THE MOST HOLY PLACE. The Lord did not take sides, when he was ask whose side he was on Israels or their adversaries, he simply said l am come as the Lord of Hosts Captian. Israel said the Lord was on their side, however the Lord did not take sides, anytime we get on sides, we are separated, side in the negative form makes us Two, my side, your side, my view, your view, In Christ there is no two sides, there is no Jew or Greek, no race, no black, no White, in Christ there is no male or female, no bond, no free, we are not separated or on sides in Christ, IN CHRIST WE ALL ARE ONE, WE ARE MANY MEMBERS, BUT WE ARE ONE BODY. 1ST COR-12-12. In Christ, many become one, in Christ there is no side, there is two , THERE IS ONLY ONE. Christ on the cross after he bowed his head and gave up the ghost so that no bone could be broken, or be made two, so that the bones of Christ, "many" could stay as one body, one structure, he was then pierced in his side, so that there could come forth the blood and the water, and by the blood and the water, there could come forth his bride, in Song of Solomon, she is called one, there are many virgins, many Queens, but his spouse is one, and the only one of her mother. Out of Christ side in the positive form came forth the church, his body, his bride. Jesus said no one can serve Two masters, we CAN'T have a fence to straddle, there is no service for two sides, you must choose one. God made all nations of ONE BLOOD ACTS-17-26. We are not black and white, we are not Americans and Chinese, we are of the one HOLY NATION, THE ROYAL HOLY PRIESTHOOD, WE ARE A CHOSEN GENERATION, WE ARE THE CHRIST GENERATION, WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD, I HAVE NEW CREATURE FRIENDS LIKE WYTRICIA MACK, LIKE JOYCE TWITTY, DELORIS SHANNON, AND ON AND ON LIKE DANNY PHILLIPS AND HIS WIFE SHANNON, LIKE THOM CUNNINGHAM ALL THESE ARE NOT BLACK AND WHITE THE ARE NEW CREATURES AND I SEE THEM AS SUCH, WE ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST, AND WE DON'T TAKE SIDES, WE ARE FOLLOWING THE LAMB WHITHERSOEVER HE GOETH.We will come with our fourth teaching soon.


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