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A virtuous woman

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, 
here is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Who can find a woman? If the father is looking for
a virtuous woman, it must not be easy to find. If you have
to find something, then it first had to be lost. I believe only
the one who has made us virtuous, can find a virtuous
Woman. Virtuous describes the woman. Which means
strength, the women would be the soul, the church, or our
entire being. The redemptive work of Christ has made us a
virtuous woman. It is our strength; we would have no
strength without it. Once we begin to understand the death,
burial and the resurrection of Christ, we start to understand
most holy place things. We get our light (understanding)
from the Ark, which is Christ. We are no longer in the outer
court, where we have a natural understanding or the holy
place where we have to be taught. A virtuous woman feeds
on bread and wine. Before the death, burial and
resurrection of Christ we were lost, our woman (our soul,
the church, our entire being was lost). Adam was the
reason why our Virtuous woman got lost. Our strength was
lost; we were in desperate need of a savior. Proverbs 31:6
says give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and
wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. (7) Let him drink
and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more.
Jesus drank our bitter cup, our poverty, and our misery. So
the father could remember our sin no more. Perish means
depression, misery and affliction. This was our state before;
Christ made us a virtuous woman again. He was wounded
for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: The
chastisement of our peace was upon him, the virtuous woman 
knows that the true virtuous one lives within us.
The father looks within you to find himself, the image that
Adam lost. When we understand the Redemptive work of
Christ, we find our virtuous woman. A virtuous woman is
rooted and grounded in Christ. We grow in Grace and in
the knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. When
Christ becomes the vine, and you become the branches, you
bare much fruit. A Virtuous woman feeds from the tree of
life and not from the tree of knowledge and of good and
evil. The tree of life makes us aware of Christ’s life. The
tree of knowledge of good and evil makes us aware of our
lives, and we lose our virtuous woman image. A virtuous
woman only talks about most holy place things. The light
in them comes from only one place - the Ark. A virtuous
woman knows that in Christ we are the true light of the
world. You will not find a virtuous woman in the inner
court or the outer court. If you are in the outer court ,you
will only have a natural understanding. A virtuous woman
knows that the price Christ paid for her is far above rubies.
Christ paid a debt for us that we could never repay. Just so
we could dwell with the Father. It is exceeding great joy.
Whatever we think great joy is, it far exceeds that. You
can’t even put a price tag on it. The blood of Jesus is
precious unto him that believes. The blood will never lose
it’s power, it becomes more precious every day. You will
need the ,one who created  the virtuous woman to find a virtuous woman
because ,you would not know what to look for. That is why
the one that made us virtuous has to find her. A virtuous
woman knows that they are a king and priest unto God.
Only a priest could go beyond the veil. A virtuous woman
cannot function in any other place but the most holy place. 
They feel out of place in any other area. They have become
institutionalized there. When you seek to know anything
else but Christ and him being crucified. he becomes the air
you breathe, the song you sing, the father’s holy presence
living in you. It is a higher way of thinking. A virtuous
woman knows that there is nothing they can do to earn this
kind of favor. It is unmerited favor. Christ merited for us.
We have to rest to become a virtuous woman. Our lives are
hidden in Christ; you become dead to this world and alive
unto God. The dead in Christ shall rise. We become
raptured up, which means being snatched from one place to
another. We move from death to life. When Christ who is
our life begins to appear, You shall appear with him and glory.
 he is our hope of glory. Ruth 3:11
says, and now my daughter fear not; I will do to thee all
that thou requires for all the city of my people doth know
that thou are a virtuous woman. A virtuous woman seeks
God first and his righteousness, and knows that everything
else will be added. A virtuous woman does not enter into
his gates asking for anything. They enter into his gates with
thanksgiving and into his courts with praise. The father
knows what we have need of before we even ask him. That
is why he sent us a savior. The virtuous woman is his bride 
and he finds a virtuous woman when he finds himself in us.
Adam lost our virtuous woman image in the garden and
Jesus went in the garden and got it back. When he finds his
wife, he finds a good thing. A virtuous woman is married
to Christ. When he finds his wife, he says thou are fare my
love. And he kisses her with the kisses of his mouth: for
his love is better than wine. A virtuous woman has dove’s
eyes, as the deer pants for the waters, so does a virtuous
woman soul pants after Christ. He considers a field and  buys it.
The field is the world, and Jesus purchased a field
of blood for us. The potter’s field was purchased with
the price of his blood to put strangers there. A burial
ground, our sins have been buried in his field of blood. I
began to look at the word put, it means to bring into
specified state. The father had to put your stripes on his
back to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified
state. The father had to put your crown of thrones on his
head to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified
state. The father had to put your cross on his back to bring a
virtuous woman back into her specified state. The father
had to put your nails in his feet to bring a virtuous woman
back into her specified state. The father had to put your
nails in his hands to bring a virtuous woman back into her
specified state. The father had to put your spear in his side
to bring a virtuous woman back into her specified state.
The father had to put him in a tomb to bring a virtuous
woman back into a specified state. He could not find a
virtuous woman without his death, burial and resurrection.
He could not find a virtuous woman without the finished
work of the cross. After the Father was pleased with Christ
and what he had done, he found a virtuous woman once
again. It is the great wedding day. The lost coin has been
found, the lost sheep has been found, and the lost son has
come home. Everyone is invited to the marriage feast. The
father has found his virtuous woman. He found his pearl,
the father gave everything he had to buy the pearl. He gave
his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him
should not perish but have eternal life. A virtuous woman
would be everything that was lost in the first Adam, and
found in the second Adam. Now, the virtuous woman is
back in us, it is in Christ we live move and have our being. 
Christ in you the hope of Glory


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