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In 2013, I got certified as a Bail bond recovery agent and I have been working in this field to date. In addition to that, I am also an ordained Minister. While working in the Bail bonding field combined with my passion to help people, I noticed a crisis in the area of Mental health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This formed the basis of establishing Seek&Save Solution under SOTE2022 to help address these underlying challenges. This also led me to become a Certified Peer Support Specialist with SC Shares. Currently, we are operating from 2 Underwood Avenue, Great Falls, SC 29055. We own the commercial properties at 308, 310, 312 Dearborn Street, Great Falls, SC 29055, where we plan to relocate in the future after renovations. We are also mobile with commuting to detention centers in South Carolina.


Seek&Save Solutions is a program under Salt of the earth 2022 501(c)(3). Our mission is to eternally exalt, edify, equip and encourage the community in improving the quality of life.

Our Vision is to help create a healthy and sustainable community now and for the future generation.


We are a solution in assisting people to get proper care for Mental Health, Harm Reduction, Motivational Encouragement, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Recovery management with a sense of belonging. This approach is designed, in large measure, with resources and funds acquired to support a number of programs and initiatives to promote awareness of substance use and mental health issues and to seek resources from medical, and psychiatric practitioners to aid treatment programs that are able to create positive outcomes in the recovery of Mental Health, Harm Reduction, Motivational Encouragement, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Recovery management.


We are looking to partner with different organizations to help address Mental health, Harm Reduction, Motivational Encouragement, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Recovery management-related challenges in the community. I am sending this request to you because I feel that you are a suitable fit for this role. I will be grateful if we could use your organization as a referral for people needing assistance with your expertise. I have attached all certified certificates in Peer Support, Bail Bonding and Ministry. If you have further questions or accept my proposal, my contact information is;


803 (804) 6776


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