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RUNNING FROM GOD'S PRESENCE ; Far too many believers have been like Jonah, they have run from the presence of God, and now they are paying the fare, they are in The bottom of the ship of life asleep, as the storm rages and what they have done is affecting every body around them to the point that everybody is looking for the reason everything is going so bad, looking for someone to blame it on, they come to terms, and decide it is Jonah's fault, so they throw him overboard to save themselves. Well in God's plan of things, he hath prepared for the Whale to come by and swallow Jonah. Too many believers have run from God's presence till things get so bad, things get out of control, and when it gets out of man's control, God steps up and takes control, Jonah is in the bottom of the sea, and he is on the menu of the whale of God, God controls his creation, sad to say that animals listen to God better than man does, the rooster in peters new day crowed. The lions in Daniels day decided not to eat Daniel. The whale picks up Jonah to carry him on a three day trip, that pictures the cross of Christ, and is the only sign that Jesus said would be given. It pictures Jesus three days in hell, and then Jonah is resurrected at the shore of Nineveh to preach the gospel, a picture of Jesus 40 days of resurrection miracles, to bring repentance that saved Nineveh from the JUDGMENTS OF GOD. God is in control, he is, he has, and he will save his creation, THE WICKED WILL BE REMOVED OUT OF THE EARTH. GOD WILL HAVE A CHURCH, A BODY OF BELIEVERS THAT THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST. The nations of the earth will serve the Living God


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