THE LAST ENEMY, THE CARNAL MINDThe last enemy to be put under foot is death, to be carnally minded is death, "UNTIL" THE. LIFE IN OUR SPIRIT PREVAILS OVER THE SOUL, THEN IMMORTALITY WILL INVADE OUR BODIES:" The Appointment with death has been met in Christ: HEBREWS-9-26-28. EVERY MAN HAD AN APPOINTMENT TO DIE, THEN COME TO A JUDGMENT, CHRIST WAS OFFERED FOR THE SINS OF US ALL THEN HE ALSO MET OUR JUDGMENT: When someone steps up and gets the mind renewed, fully, when the carnal mind is removed, then the body will be fully affected and men will stop dying. This is provided for, and has been in affect for over 2000 years, but no one has stepped up, and walked in the fullness of the ENDLESS LIFE that Christ has provided us, a firstfruit company will, and will bring it to the rest that will be ALIVE AND REMAIN SO JESUS CAN STAND UP, AS NOW HE SITS UNTIL EVERY LAST ENEMY IS PUT UNDER FOOT.The carnal mind removed from creation, BRINGS JESUS BACK: 1st Corinthians-15-23-25!!!
THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD:The scriptures says, Jesus was the only begotten of the father; in the original text it says, he was God, he was only begotten. There is a difference in those two phrases; because he was God, only he was born, The on going process of that is that God is still taking upon Himself flesh and bone, the book of Ephesians says that we are bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, we are of his body. Not that we are ever going to be God Most High, but we are becoming his bone, his flesh, even his body in the earth. CHRIST HEAD, AND CHRIST BODY, 1st John-2-8 says of the two, head and body, that what is true of the head is also true of the body. Jesus said, that he was the vine, and that we his disciples, are the branches, connected to the vine, everything that is in the vine, has to be in the branch, as long as the connections stay strong. The head and the body have the same life in them, there is not one thing that the head possesses that the body doesn...
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