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 DON'T BE DECEIVED;When the 1000 years, or day of the Lord is finished in a people, which is when believers come into the rest of God and cease to do their on works, and are only led to do what the Spirit say to the churches, then satan is loosed from his prison, and the GREATEST realm of deception ever know to man kind will begin, now the message concerning false Gods coming from the heavens, talk like false revelation like Ezekiel wheel in a wheel being a flying saucer, which it is not, it is a picture of the Most Holy Place, but l believe the government's of the world are planning a world wide take over, through religious deception, and demons which will lead through his messengers and manifest out openly, bring world wide deception, that will deceive many, only the elect will not be deceived, the nations will be deceived, through out the four quarters of the earth, the devil will manifest as a false GOD, there will be false Christs that will deceive many, a number that is said to be as the sands of the sea GOG AND MAGOG WILL BE APART OF BRINGING THE NATIONS TOGETHER FOR THE BATTLE TAKE OVER. I BELIEVE GOG MAGOG TO BE RUSSIA. They will compassed the camp of the saints, the church will see this as great persecution, as they come against the city of the beloved, the city sit on a hill the light of the world, none other than the church. However the fire of God will devour them and the church will be saved, the Holy Ghost and fire, the word of God that is a fire, God who is a consuming fire, his ministers are a flame of fire, and any carnal attempt to deceive and move against the church will burn up any false work to take the church out in any way, the saint are protected by the fire of God, all will be consumed, except those who use the right materials, that work out from the right motives and right intents, any thing that manifest from a wrong motive a wrong intent will be subjected to the fire of God. We are looking for a people,who are the new heaven, and the new earth, that are the new world fill with the righteousness of God, because The Apostle Peter said, THE WORLD THAT WE LIVE IN NOW IS GOING TO BE DESTROYED, THE LUST OF THE FLESH, THE PRIDE OF LIFE, AND THE LUST OF THE EYES, AND ALL THAT DO NOT THE WILL OF GOD IS GOING TO BE BURNED UP. ONLY THOSE THAT DO THE WILL OF GOD WILL REMAIN.The arrangement of things, how things are done, that are done outside the will of God will be removed by the Holy fire of God and his people. DON'T be deceived by the UFO PHEROMONES, DEMONS MANIFESTING KNOWLEDGE FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, DON'T BE DECEIVED BY THE BEAST REALM, THE NATURAL REALM. The Holy Ghost will guide all that will open to him.

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