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Ecept the Lord build the house.

EXCEPT THE LORD BUILD THE HOUSE; By faith Abraham was called out into a place, even a place he would receive as an inheritance, HE WENT NOT KNOWING WHITHER HE WENT: BY FAITH, he sojourned in the land, as in a strange country, as he dwelt in tabernacles, with Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs of the same promise: FOR HE LOOKED FOR A CITY WHICH HATH FOUNDATIONS, WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD, Hebrews-11-8-10. Jesus talked of that same city, as he spoke to his disciples, he said, Ye are the light of the world, A CITY THAT IS SET ON A HILL CANNOT BE HID. Psalm-2-6 the Psalmist said, that also A KING, GOD SAID, " MY KING IS SET UPON MY HOLY HILL, so we see the city is set upon a hill and the king of that city is set upon a hill also, AND THIS CITY WITH ITS KING IS SET UPON A HILL.So Abraham searched for this city, and we Gods people look for this city, and the builder and maker is God, we should not have a problem finding this city, Jesus said, IT COULD NOT BE HIDDEN; We must look to the right place, I WILL LIFT UP MINE EYES UNTO THE HILLS, FROM WHENCE COMETH MY HELP, MY HELP COMETH FROM THE LORD, WHICH MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH, PSALM-121-1-2. Looking to the hills we see the king set on the hill, we also see the city set on the hill. It is a place of help, because our help cometh from the Lord of this city set on the hills of calvary, and the hills of Sion. Except the Lord build the house all labour in vain,except the Lord keep the city the watchmen waketh but in vain Psalm-127-1 our Lord builds the house and builds the city, our Lord will keep his city the church, JESUS PROMISED, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH AND THE GATES OF HELL WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT MATTHEW-16-18. We have found the city whose builder and maker is God, and it hath foundations, The Book of Revelation said it had foundations Revelation-21-19 and the foundations are garnished with all manner precious stones, the Apostle Peter said, we his people are lively stone, and Christ was the chief corner stone, The city hath foundations, and that foundation is Christ and his body 1st Corinthians-12-12.Pastor Eddie Fitch


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