FIVE WORDS OF THE HEAVENS Psalm 115 says in the realm of heaven, GOD ALWAYS DOES WHAT PLEASES HIM; Our Conversation, our lifestyle is in heaven from whence we look for Jesus, Philippians-3-20. So as a Spiritual believer, one who lives in and by the Spirit, we travel, we live move and have our being from the realms of the Spirit, we are led by the Holy Spirit, we speak to him, and he speaks to us, we have our communication our Spiritual understanding, he direct us from his position beside the seated Christ, out of a finished work, that he causes us to live out of, he says to us, IT IS NO LONGER ABOUT YOUR WORKS, YOUR DOINGS, YOUR CREATED DEVICES, THESE YOU MUST OVERCOME, AND YIELD YOURSELVES TO ONLY WHAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD SPEAKS INTO YOUR LIFE, THE HOLY SPIRIT BEGINS TO OVERSHADOW THOSE WHO OVERCOME THEIR WORKS AND EARTHLY INVOLVEMENTS WITH MAN'S TRADITIONS. Those who are called up into this higher conservations of life, this lifestyle called the heavenly begin to only hear THE MUST BE THINGS, they no longer hear the might be or may be things, they are traveling above these not sure things, they are in the MORE SURE PROPHECY, THEY TRAVEL IN A PLACE GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THEM, AND THE THINGS THEY HEAR ARE SURE AND STEADFAST, THEY ONLY SPEAK FROM WHAT IS SPOKEN TO THEM, " AND NONE OF THEIR WORDS WILL FALL TO THE GROUND" These travel from a most special realm, "FIVE WORDS" They live from the five words of the heavens, they are removed from the five sense outer realm they do not live from the realm of Appearance, they live from these "FIVE WORDS OF THE HEAVENS" "IT SHALL COME TO PASS"
THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD:The scriptures says, Jesus was the only begotten of the father; in the original text it says, he was God, he was only begotten. There is a difference in those two phrases; because he was God, only he was born, The on going process of that is that God is still taking upon Himself flesh and bone, the book of Ephesians says that we are bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, we are of his body. Not that we are ever going to be God Most High, but we are becoming his bone, his flesh, even his body in the earth. CHRIST HEAD, AND CHRIST BODY, 1st John-2-8 says of the two, head and body, that what is true of the head is also true of the body. Jesus said, that he was the vine, and that we his disciples, are the branches, connected to the vine, everything that is in the vine, has to be in the branch, as long as the connections stay strong. The head and the body have the same life in them, there is not one thing that the head possesses that the body doesn...
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