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whole armour of God

THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD; We are told to put the whole armour of God on, the armour of God Produces wholeness, produces protection on every part of our being. Isaiah-59-19 says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him, THE STANDARD IS THE NATURE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. ISAIAH54-14 SAYS, No weapon formed against the believer will prosper. Of course we must be armed with the whole armour of God so that we can stand. AFTER WE HAVE DONE ALL TO STAND, THEN WE STAND, God see our willingness to stand, and after we have done, or give our all, then God will hold you up and cause you to stand.we must always realize that our enemy is not flesh and blood, but Spiritual wickedness, IN THE HIGH PLACES. PRINCIPALITIES, AND POWERS, AND RULERS OF DARKNESS.Darkness is ignorance, having no understanding, 2nd Cor-2-11 tell us that we need to know the devices of our enemy. The only way that the enemy can destroy God's people is lack of knowledge, this can also bring the believer into bondage, Hosea-4-6 and Isaiah-5-13. This is why the believer must put on God's whole armour, but also know and be experienced with each piece of his armour. The believer must have a working knowledge of every piece of God's Armour. Remember David was given Sauls armour, and he said because he had no experience with it, he took it off and went back to his sling and rock, that he had killed a lion and a bear with. We must know the armour, as well as having it on, There are many that carry very nice bibles, very nice SWORDS OF THE SPIRIT, BUT THEY HAVE NEVER SPENT ANY TIME IN THEM, SO THEY CANNOT STAND, WHEN TESTED. We must take unto ourselves the whole armour of God, so that we can stand in the evil day, this is where after we have done all to stand, then after we have done all that we can possibly do to stand, then Through God the Super NATURAL standing will begin, there will be no FALLING, God will see to that. We stand having our loins girt about with truth.The loins are speaking of where the believer reproduces, or births the things of God, to have a spiritual  birthing, there must be an OVERSHADOWING OF THE HOLY GHOST, JUST AS MARY, ALTHOUGH SHE NEVER KNEW A MAN, HER RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY GHOST BROUGHT FORTH THE SUPERNATURAL BIRTHING OF THE SON OF GOD. So the loins must be in relationship with the truth, and truth is a person that brings involvement with the way and the life, even ETERNAL LIFE, AND LIFE ETERNAL IS KNOWING GOD, John-17-1-3. Then we must have on the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS. The believer must have their hearts covered with the right standing that the Lord Jesus Christ gave us through becoming sin with our sin, so as to remove the old man that we used to be, so now we as New Creatures in Christ, can put on the NEW MAN THAT COMES WITH OUR RIGHT STANDING. The breastplate of righteousness, give in our heart the ability to speak from the abundance of our heart, from the abundance of our Christ Nature, knowing that we have the ability to stand, and after we have done all to stand, because of righteousness, knowing that we are right, we will not fall, but we will stand. Then we must be involved, with having our feet shod with the preparations of the gospel of peace, The gospel is the death, the burial, and the Resurrection of Christ, the keeping of Christ works. Our feet must be shod, fitted with a walk, every man of God who was called to be a deliverer heard these words, TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES, THE PLACE YOU ARE STANDING IS MOST HOLY: Having your feet shod with the gospel of peace, is being brought into THE MOST HOLY PLACE WALK, THIS IS THE PATH OF GOD FOUND IN ISAIAH, 35, WHERE THERE IS NO BEAST, NO LION OR dEVIL, IT IS THE PLACE WHERE THE REDEEMED CAN WALK WITHOUT ANY HINDERANCE. Then above all we are to take the SHIELD OF FAITH,  that causes the believer to be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, as a believer, you will be tested, the wicked will cast things toward you, but none of the fiery darts of the wicked will be able to prosper or penetrate your armour, must less get into you. Then we are told to take the helmet of salvation,  this is the renewed mind, that brings us to being TRANSFORMED, Keeps us from being conformed to the world, but we are transformed, so as to be able to prove what is the good, acceptable, and the Perfect will of an all knowing God. Then we are to take the Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, Matthew-4-4 says that the believer lives by every word that proceeds from the lips of God. The word of God is our life, Wisdom is the answer to all things, We live, we move, and we have our being from the word of God. Then we must become prayer warrior, praying always with all prayer and supplication IN THE SPIRIT, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for ALL SAINTS. We need to learn one of the GREATEST supernatural ABILITY and that is to pray for one another. Jesus said, l would that all men pray and not faint LUKE-18-1 PRAYER IS ONE OF OUR BEST DEFENSE, PRAYER IS OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH GOD, WE MUST HAVE STRONG PRAYER LIVES, IT STOPS FAINTING: Pastor Eddie Fitch


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