THE BOOK OF THE LIFE OF THE LAMB: The book of the life of the Lamb is simply the life of the lamb that is written inside the believers, inside the Spirit Man. It is the volume of the book that is within us.2nd Corinthians-3 says that we are the written epistles of God known and read of all men. We are the New Covenant people that God says that he will write his laws into. This is found in Jeremiah31-31-34 and Hebrews- 8-10-13 and Hebrews-10-16-17 God say that he will write his New Covenant into our hearts. That which is written within is that which causes us to produce and walk out of the life of the Lamb.It is not just that you have your name jotted down in some big book six million miles on the other side of mars.IT IS BECAUSE THAT YOU HAVE THE NATURE OF THE LAMB ENGRAINED INTO YOUR INNER- MOST BEING.Pastor Eddie Fitch
THE MIGHTY RIVER OF GOD: Psalm-46 says that there is a river that flows through the city of God that makes Gods children glad. This river flow out of the Throne of God and from the Throne of the lamb, Revelation-22-1-2, those that believe the scriptures as they are said by God, not adding or taking from them, have a river of life flowing out of the belly of their innermost being, John-7-37-39. The messengers of God are beginning to open up to a pure language of the Spirit of God, Zephaniah 3-9, and in the book of Revelationv14:6-8 the messengers of God fly through the heavens with the everlasting, eternal gospel, bringing the invisible not seen realm to light, Moses endured as seeing the invisible, so as we are told to look not at the things seen, but look at the not seen things, the seen things are temporary, the unseen things are eternal, as creation begins to see the invisible realm of God they begin to endured, sound doctrine, and babylon is then seen falling, the end of confusion,...
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