THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE:We are not under the law of a carnal commandment, not under the law of the letter, that Kills. We are under the Law Of The Spirit Of Life, Jesus came to bring us life, and that life is the more abundant life. We are under the law of faith, the law of love that causes faith to work. We are under the LAW OF LIBERTY. We are not under the ten commandments any more, Jesus came and fulfilled them, Matthew-5-17-18 that the righteousness of the law could now be fulfilled in us Romans-8-4. We are to walked under the Two commands of Jesus, that all the law hangs on these two, LOVE THY GOD WITH ALL THY MIND, ALL THY SOUL, AND ALL THAT IS IN US., ALL OF OUR HEART. THE SECOND IS LIKE UNTO IT, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF, ALL THE LAW HANG ON THESE TWO!!!
THE MIGHTY RIVER OF GOD: Psalm-46 says that there is a river that flows through the city of God that makes Gods children glad. This river flow out of the Throne of God and from the Throne of the lamb, Revelation-22-1-2, those that believe the scriptures as they are said by God, not adding or taking from them, have a river of life flowing out of the belly of their innermost being, John-7-37-39. The messengers of God are beginning to open up to a pure language of the Spirit of God, Zephaniah 3-9, and in the book of Revelationv14:6-8 the messengers of God fly through the heavens with the everlasting, eternal gospel, bringing the invisible not seen realm to light, Moses endured as seeing the invisible, so as we are told to look not at the things seen, but look at the not seen things, the seen things are temporary, the unseen things are eternal, as creation begins to see the invisible realm of God they begin to endured, sound doctrine, and babylon is then seen falling, the end of confusion,...
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