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It is Finished

 IT IS FINISHED, IT IS DONE: Let look at what Jesus said on the cross, just before he gave up the ghost, and become obedient to death for Three days and Three nights. John-19-30 Jesus said it is finished, after this he spent three days and three nights suffering the TRAVAIL OF HIS SOUL, God saw the Travail of Jesus soul and in Isaiah-53 it say that God was satisfied with the Travail of Jesus soul, in other words God was satisfied with the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus, that what he has done was enough, we don't have to add anything to what he did and we don't have to take away from what he has done, because God is satisfied, scripture say by the knowledge of his righteous servant (Jesus) he shall justify many for he shall bear their iniquities. So God through the knowledge of Christ, On the throne speaks to the Holy Ghost who also in turn speaks to us, Jesus said the Holy Ghost would take of mine and speak to u all the things that we need to know, to come to the point of being satisfied that what Jesus did was enough, and we don't have to add or take from what he did, so by the RENEWING of the mind, we will be brought to being able to prove what is the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God, which is becoming fully satisfied with what Jesus has done, till we come to the point of knowing who we are in Christ, knowing the full benefit of what he did in the three days of his passion, and we know how it has affected us, till we become fully satisfied that what he has done was enough. TILL WE KNOW THAT WHEN JESUS SAID IT IS FINISHED, IT IS TRULY FINISHED, AND WE CAN COME ALONG SIDE OF HIM IN FULL AGREEMENT. Ephesians-2-6 says we were quickened with him, we were raised with him, and we were seated with him at the right hand of of the Throne of God. So now we must, it is a must that we come to the full knowledge of where we are now positioned as the Temple of God in the heavenly at Gods right hand.Revelation-16-17 says This: The Seventh angel poured his vial out into the Air; we know there are seven seals, seven unsealings, seven unvailings, The Lamb of God is opening up the Revelation of Jesus Christ to us. Showing us his Church, his Body the full Revelation of the message of the Cross which is the power of God, to our complete deliverance, our complete salvation, BODY, SOUL, AND SPIRIT. So when the seven seals are all unsealed, the full message of Jesus REDEMPTIVE WORK is fully exposed and revealed to us, There are also seven Trumpets, which is the preaching, the explaining, the teaching of the unsealed redemptive works of Christ, scripture explains in Revelation-10-6-11 that when the Seventh Trumpet begins to sound, there should be no more delay, the Mystery of God should be finished, in Revelation-11-15 says that the seventh Trumpet sounded, and The Kingdoms of this world, became The Kingdoms of our LORD AND HIS CHRIST. So now that we see in Revelation-16-17 The Seventh vial being poured out into the air, this is the completion of all that God is doing to bring his people into becoming fully satisfied that when Jesus said IT IS FINISHED, in John-19-30 truly they believe that it is finished, and truly they are fully satisfied. We hear a great voice coming from THE TEMPLE OF HEAVEN, The Temple that we his people are, we have been raised to the right hand of the throne of God, this great voice come clearly from the Temple of God and the Throne saying in full satisfaction, full agreement, IT IS DONE Then in verse 18 and 19, there are voices, a corporate voice,voices and thunderings and lightnings, thunderings are a most Holy voice heard for others, Jesus heard this message for the sake of others that many thought was thunder, and the lightnings speaks of the day of the Lord, Jesus said in Matthew-24 that the day of his coming was like the lightning from one end of the heaven to the other. So this is what is happening all around and in the people that have come to full satisfaction that what Jesus did was enough, then we see that the Great City of Babylon is divided into three parts, the confusion is fully separated, body, soul, and Spirit, and the cities of all the nations fall and come into REMBERANCE before God and she is given the cup of the wine of the fierceness of Gods wrath, the message that Jesus drank the cup, Jesus on the Cross took all the wrath that we deserved, he took it all on the cross, and babylon, the confused mindsets of men need the word of God, to fully divide Spirit and soul, and to go down into the joints and the bones and discern the thoughts and the intents of the heart, as said in HEBREWS-4-12. GOD WILL HAVE A PEOPLE THAT COME TO FULL SATISFACTION THAT WHAT JESUS DID WAS ENOUGH, " IT IS FINISHED, IT IS DONE" Pastor Eddie Fitch .


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