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Showing posts from May, 2023

The secret place of the stairs.

THE SECRET PLACES OF THE STAIR:Psalm-91 tells us there is a secret place of divine dwelling, psalm-90-1 say that the Lord has been the place of our dwelling in all generation. When we dwell, live out from this secret place of THE MOST HIGH GOD, we are overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, the overshadowing, makes us ready for birthing the things of God, because through overshadowing, there is created , an divine closeness, that places the seed of God in THE WOMB OF OUR SOULS, OUR MINDS, THE FEMININE PART OF US. David said, behold my soul shall make her boast, in the Lord. This overshadowing places the seed of God's word in us to begin the process of the word becoming flesh in us, so that we can become the written epistles of the Lord, known and read of all men, 2nd Cor-3. According to Psalm-91 those who dwell in the secret place of God, shall be covered with the wings of God,the wings of God speaks of the voice of the almighty Ezek-1-24 and Ezek-10-5. As we trust his truth, he becomes ou...
LAMPS WITHOUT OIL: Scripture says, Thy word is a light unto my path, a lamp unto my feet; so in Matthew-25 the five foolish ones that had lamps, had a knowledge of the word of God, but because they had no oil in their lamps, they did not have involvement with the Holy Spirit, no intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Scriptures also says, True worshippers, worship in Spirit and Truth, these unwise ones in Matthew-25, did not seem to be of the origin of True Worshippers. That is why the father said depart from me l never knew you. Just having a form of some level of Truth, does not make you a true worshipper. Jude spoke of a people that spoke evil of what they did not know, but what they knew naturally, Jude-10. Just to know some level of the word of God, by NATURAL MEANS, does not mean that you really know anything, knowing not, and just knowing something in the natural is the same thing as not really knowing. The Pharisees and the Scribes knew and could quote a lot of the old cov...


THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD:The scriptures says, Jesus was the only begotten of the father; in the original text it says, he was God, he was only begotten. There is a difference in those two phrases; because he was God, only he was born, The on going process of that is that God is still taking upon Himself flesh and bone, the book of Ephesians says that we are bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, we are of his body. Not that we are ever going to be God Most High, but we are becoming his bone, his flesh, even his body in the earth. CHRIST HEAD, AND CHRIST BODY, 1st John-2-8 says of the two, head and body, that what is true of the head is also true of the body. Jesus said, that he was the vine, and that we his disciples, are the branches, connected to the vine, everything that is in the vine, has to be in the branch, as long as the connections stay strong. The head and the body have the same life in them, there is not one thing that the head possesses that the body doesn...


THE LIFE OF THE KINGDOM: In the natural we find no Godly profit, in the life of the Kingdom, the only profit in the soul, in the mind are the thoughts and ways of God that have been transferred from the realm of Spirit to our soul that has transformed us and brought to us mind renewal so as to be able to prove the good, the acceptable, and the Perfect will of God. In the mind of Christ, in the SPIRITUAL MIND, we find the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus, as we take on his IDENTITY, we are seeing him as he is, traveling in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we share the image, the likeness of God  in and from the dominion of an overcoming life as more than conquerors in a strange land, we bring the Kingdom of God into the earth, through our living from the realms of the Spirit of Life and thus THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD BECOMES THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD AND HIS CHRIST.WHAT THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS:The Kingdom of God is not a geographical location, it is not s...


THE BOOK OF THE LIFE OF THE LAMB: The book of the life of the Lamb is simply the life of the lamb that is written inside the believers, inside the Spirit Man. It is the volume of the book that is within us.2nd Corinthians-3 says that we are the written epistles of God known and read of all men. We are the New Covenant people that God says that he will write his laws into. This is found in Jeremiah31-31-34 and Hebrews- 8-10-13 and Hebrews-10-16-17 God say that he will write his New Covenant into our hearts. That which is written within is that which causes us to produce and walk out of the life of the Lamb.It is not just that you have your name jotted down in some big book six million miles on the other side of mars.IT IS BECAUSE THAT YOU HAVE THE NATURE OF THE LAMB ENGRAINED INTO YOUR INNER- MOST BEING.Pastor Eddie Fitch


THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE:We are not under the law of a carnal commandment, not under the law of the letter, that Kills. We are under the Law Of The Spirit Of Life, Jesus came to bring us life, and that life is the more abundant life. We are under the law of faith, the law of love that causes faith to work. We are under the LAW OF LIBERTY. We are not under the ten commandments any more, Jesus came and fulfilled them, Matthew-5-17-18 that the righteousness of the law could now be fulfilled in us Romans-8-4. We are to walked under the Two commands of Jesus, that all the law hangs on these two, LOVE THY GOD WITH ALL THY MIND, ALL THY SOUL, AND ALL THAT IS IN US., ALL OF OUR HEART. THE SECOND IS LIKE UNTO IT, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THY SELF, ALL THE LAW HANG ON THESE TWO!!!