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Showing posts from February, 2023


 THE REDEMPTION OF THE BODY; In Adam, all died, but in Christ, all shall be made alive. He bore the death of all humanity. The death that we are undergoing. One way or the other, the only thing that delivers us is death. You are either going to die physically in body, or you will receive by Faith the death that Jesus died to humanity, and allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind to the point that you will know the redemption of your body. Romans-8-23 say this, And not only they, but we ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
THE KING YEAR: Ruth-2-15-16 Boaz commands the reapers to drop handfuls of Purpose for Ruth, Handfuls of Purpose is The Lord crowning the years with paths of fatness and goodness as seen in Psalm-65-11. Open your heart, and allow the Lord to CROWN 2023 FOR YOU; This could be the Kings year in your life;
THE WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST;John- 14-12 Jesus said, IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS; The works of Christ are what saved us, but our obedience has to do with our love of the Lord. Also Jesus said, Why called ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that l say. It is important that we are sealed into allowing his Lordship to cause us to do what the Lord Says. The Apostle James said, be ye not hearer of the word only, but be ye doers of the word. Acts-1-1 said, All of the things that Jesus did and taught, it is important to see that Jesus first did, and then he taught, far too many teach and never set the example of doing the things that you teach. It should always be in our thoughts that we do not do to be, but we are who we are by what Jesus did, so because we are who we are by what Christ did, now we live and move, and have our being in and out and through him . So instead of doing to be, we be to do, all of our doing come out of our being, OUT OF WHO WE ARE, OUT OF WHO CHRIST HAS MA...
here is nothing that we go through that the Lord is not able to be " A PRESENT HELP IN TIME OF TROUBLE". The good news is that no weapon formed against us can prosper. These are times that we need to hear that in great dimension because there is always those that have discouraging words in and out of the church, because of things that go on in our society. Scripture says, Hope deferred make the soul sick, l believe that to be very evident in the church, because most of what Jesus has done has been put off into the future, thus people spend most of their time hoping for something, rather than learning of what has already been done in the work of Christ. In the midst of all the discouragement, THERE IS A BREAK THROUGH FOR THE BODY OF CHRIST. " IN THE MIDST" KEEP CHRIST IN THE CENTER, LET HIM BE THE CENTERPIECE, THE OBJECT OF YOUR PASSION, YOUR CROWNING MOMENT, NOT YOUR FROWNING MOMENT
The Bible! This library of books has been around for centuries helping people get saved, healed, and free. I would find it higly unlikely that an awesome God who can speak planets into existence by words,would have a hard time protecting the integrity of His message throughout the generations. We also must remember when we study our Bibles, it was not 1st written in Hebrew or Greek. It was 1st written in the Holy Ghost. Concordances and other study tools are good, but fellowship with God‘s Spirit through His Word is better! Knowledge is requisite and can equal power. However, knowledge can make your head swell, but it takes intimacy to make your belly swell. So, at the end of the day, it’s not about how much you know, but rather WHO you know. That’s why I love the Bible! It’s whole intent is for you to know Jesus DRP
One of the most incredible things we have access to by virtue of being born again, is the leading of the Holy Spirit! Our willingness to be led is one of the markers of how much we are spiritually maturing(Rom8;14) Jesus as a mature son of God demonstrated this best when He was tempted in the wilderness. The leading of the Spirit brought Him to a wilderness but The Spirit also gave Him the exact word He needed to overcome His challenge and challenger. Jesus overcame by simply being led, and by saying what God had already said. Some of the most powerful people I’ve known over the years didn’t know a lot of Hebrew and Greek. However they had simple bible faith coupled with a willingness to submit to the Spirit and say what God said! DRP!  
WE ARE HIS; God is not after our good, he is after his nature, the nature of Christ, good is off of the wrong tree, God wants us drawing from his life, THE KING IS SAYING; I am come into my garden, my sister, my spouse: I have gathered my myrrh, with my spice; I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; l have drunk my wine with my milk: eat, O friends; yea, drink abundantly, O beloved .Song of Solomon-5-1. The garden is us as we see in Song of Solomon-4-12, we are his garden, everything in the garden is his, he wants all of us to be his, everything in us need to be his, nothing of our old man can be there, nothing of our old nature can be there, everything of his needs to fill the house, his house, his dwelling place.
THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SON'S OF GOD God said to Mary, "Thou art highly favored of the Lord" The Lord is with thee, Mary who was a virgin, was told that she was going to have a child. She cast in her mind, WHAT MANNER OF SALUTATION THIS COULD BE??? She had questions??? She ask the lord saying, " HOW CAN THIS BE SEEING THAT I KNOW NOT A MAN"??? She knew that she had not been with a man, and even though she was a virgin, she knew that it would take a man and a woman to come together for her to have a child. Sometimes we have to take what we know, and cast aside the NATURAL KNOWLEDGE that we have, lay down our thoughts and our ways, and pick up the HIGHER THOUGHTS and HIGHER WAYS OF THE LORD ISAIAH-55-6-7. The answer of her question was" THE HOLY GHOST SHALL OVERSHADOW YOU AND PLACE THE HOLY SEED OF GOD INSIDE OF YOU, This was something that had never HAPPENED before, The Super Natural impossible Act of GOD WOULD HAVE TO HAPPEN TO AND IN THIS YOUNG VIRGIN. G...
OUR PRAYER TODAY SHOULD BE; Lord with your help,as we co- labor together, Help put me in the same place that Mary the Mother of Jesus asked to be; "BE IT UNTO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD" We cannot get there by just knowing man's devices and ways. It is impossible with man, but all things are possible with our God. The Holy Ghost the power of the Highest is what is going to produce his divine nature in us, birth his nature in us. THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS IS THE POWER OF GOD, 1ST COR-1-18 UNTO THOSE WHO ARE SAVED. WE NEED TO NEVER BE ASHAME OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST, FOR IT IS THE POWER OF GOD TO SALVATION, TO EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH, ROMANS-1-16. Preaching the gospel is preaching Christ Crucified, preaching the gospel is preaching the cross. God spoke once, Twicedl have heard that POWER BELONGS TO GOD Psalm-62-11 The power of God is administered in PREACHING and SAYING the same thing that God says. ARISE AND SHINE FOR THY LIGHT HAS COME, FOR THE GLORY OF THE LORD HAS ARISE...
ADDICTED: 1st Cor-16-15 l beseech you, Brethren, ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints.l remember in the mid 1970's Paris MCcurry and me went to Breezewood Pennsylvania to a conference that his bro GC MCcurry was supposed to preach, for some reason Brother GC could not come and had to cancel, for some reason none of us knew that this was God moving into position all the pieces that would bring one of the greatest moves of God ever to many, and certainly in my life. I preached the night services, while brother MCcurry preached the morning services, and we found ourselves in the divine timing of God, God moved and 49 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit, hundreds of people were delivered and healed of diseases, young men and women were changed and brought from being addicted to mind altering drugs, to becoming addicted to the ministry of the saints, and also become addicted to the...
THE FRUITS OF THE SOUL; And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all the things that were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, AND THOU SHALT FIND THEM NO MORE AT ALL Revelation-18-14. The soul that is confused, living in and out from BABYLON, the state of confusion, that lust after the things of the world, in exchange for the soul, what is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew-16-26 Those buying, trading the things of babylon, are for the souls of men as seen in Revelation-18-13. If we have anything to buy it should be the Gold, which represents the divine nature that we are counseled to buy, so we can come forth tried in the fire so we can come forth in the white raiment in the fine linen that represents the righteousness of the saints as seen in Revelation-3-18 so that the shame our nakedness does not appear, and the Lord can anoint our eyes with eyesalve so that we...
Fear creates Torment, Superstition draws one towards a false belief, believing wrong creates a wrong image and LIKENESS, creating a false DOMINION. Boasting comes forth, without any true action, needing stimulation from an outward Substance, BE NOT DRUNK ON WINE, BUT BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT; Our life is more than that which comes from outside of us let the inner man be renewed, from the Spirit that brought Christ from the grave, and the Voice of the inner man will come forth to renew even the outward man that will be ENLARGED IN LIFE AS IT TAKES ON IMMORTALITY.
Ruth - don't make yourself known till he's done eating and drinking  . Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor: but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking. And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, and lay thee down; and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. And she said unto her, All that thou sayest unto me I will do. And she went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her. And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down. And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his feet. And he said, Who art thou? And she answered, I am Ruth thine handmaid: spread therefore t...
As for 1 Corinthians 6:13, a careful study of the context here reveals that, when Paul says God will destroy both food and the stomach, he is referring to the process of death, not to the nature of the resurrection body. For he refers to the process of death by which “God will destroy both it and them” (v. 13). Further, while the resurrection body may not have the need to eat, it does, however, have the ability to eat. Eating in heaven will be a joy without being a need. So, the body that death “destroys” (decays), is the same one that resurrection restores.
The outer court is a place of the natural realm, Jude-10 tells us that to know naturally, is the same as not knowing. Ignorance is the same thing as being in the dark, there are three realms, most Holy place, or Spirit, Holy place or soul, and outer court or body. Most people live in the middle, out of an understanding that is soulish, an soulish understanding is our thoughts and our ways, God ways and thoughts are HIGHER, most people live out of their 5 senses, out in the natural realm, in the Holy place, controlled from the outer court, out of natural light, that has a day and a night, light and darkness, again in the middle we only have natural light, the light from the oil in the lamp, we need to keep the wicks trimmed, the candlestick light shines on the bread on the table of shewbread. Also there is fire on the Golden altar of incense, when Solomon dedicates the temple God who is a consuming fire shot fire all the way into the outer court lighting the fire on the candlesticks an...
I got arise, take up your bed, and walk for today John 5:8And how long has he been in this condition? How long tolerated? From a child. Failure to progress, to mature. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. What you are willing to tolerate will gain a stronghold .He will turn or make all your bed. You make a bed when you get out of it. Isaiah 28 talks about a bed too short? Are you resting is what is short of the glory? Sickness is too short. Fear is too short. Poverty is too short. He has made you a bigger place. His cheeks are a bed His bed is green. And so on The bed is where you rest
BUILD, PLANT, AND RESTORE; No matter where you turn in the word of God, we can behold the intention of the Lord. His intention is always to RESTORE. Even when the Lord sends in the Prophet, and he says tear down, destroy, pluck up, his real intention is to build, plant, and restore, l believe that it is important to see God's real purpose, sometimes we don't see the purpose of God, but the purpose of God has always been to have a man in Gods own image, whatever God does in our life, if its tearing down, if its removing the things in our life that is not his, no matter how much it seems to HURT, what God does in our life, is for his purpose, is for one reason, SO THAT HE CAN BUILD, PLANT, AND TO RESTORE, That is something to Rejoice over
PROPERTY OF GOD; 1st Cor-6-20 Ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are God's; our Lord has placed his sign of ownership on his people, "HIS BLOOD" We don't have to allow an invasion to take place in our soul or bodies, we submit and work together with our father, and by knowing who you are in Christ, sickness, such as cancer or any other diseases cannot cause us to be poverty stricken, God has posted warning signs, landmarks, of shredded blood, sprinkled blood, along with speaking blood, that causes the believer to OVERCOME, AND SHOWS FORTH THAT THE BELIEVER IS PROPERTY OF HEAVEN, PROPERTY OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD.
THE GIDEON COMPANY; GOD came to Gideon, who had been scared enough that he was exhibiting cowardly acts by cutting his grain and hiding it in the wine press.. At the very same time that he was acting as a coward, God spoke a word to him saying, O mighty man of Valour, God spoke to Gideon saying you shall no longer just thresh your wheat and hide it under the wine press, This is the day when you just can't eat for yourself, just get in the word for yourself, but we must grind out the wheat for others.God has called many of us as Gideons to be delivers, calling us as priest to grind out the wheat for others, harvest the grain of Gods word, The bread and wine of the gospel for others. The book of Obadiah said Savior's which is plural, meaning more than one savior. SAVIORS SHALL COME UPON MOUNT ZION TO JUDGE THE MOUNT OF ESAU ; AND THE KINGDOMS SHALL BE THE LORD'S. God is bringing a people who are going to bring forth a deliverance in the earth by preaching and teaching, expla...
LIFE IS MORE THAN FAIR; Jesus came to bring us life, and life more abundantly; THAT LIFE IS FAIR, We have all heard, that life is unfair, the life that is only a vapor, is unfair, However The Believer has the Melchisdec life, THAT IS A LIFE AFTER THE POWER OF AN ENDLESS LIFE, THAT LIFE IS MORE THAN FAIR. John 17 Jesus said, ETERNAL LIFE IS TO KNOW GOD, WHAT IS NOT FAIR ABOUT THAT?
PART THREE; FIVE WORDS THAT HOLD THE NUMERAL VALUE 666 Today as we look at these 5 words PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, AND SCATTERED, in this issue we look at the word SIDE, Let us look at how Israel and our Lord looked at the situations of taking sides, and being on different sides, in Psalm-124-1-2 we will look at how Israel looked at the side issue, If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say; If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us: The nation of Israel said what they believed, they said that The Lord was on their side, they said what it was that they believed, they believed that the Lord took sides, and was on their side, but let us look at what the Lord said, when he was asked who side are you on? In The book of Joshua-5-13-15 Joshua had went out into a field in the evening and was in deep meditations, when he met a man with a sword drawn in his hand, he ask the man, ART THOU FOR US, OR FOR OUR ADVERSARIES? THE MAN ...
PART TWO, FIVE WORDS THAT HAVE THE NUMERAL VALUE 666 We are looking at these 5 words that can affect us, if we live them in their negative form. PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, AND SCATTERED. Today we will look at Tradition. In 1st Peter-1-18-20 it says, For as much as we know we were not redeemed by corruptible things from our vain conversation that we received by THE TRADITIONS OF OUR FATHERS, but we were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish, without spot: Christ was foreordained before the foundation of the world to redeem us, but now is manifest in these last times. Now that is very good news, we see that our father in heaven did something before the foundation of the world about the the TRADITIONS that gave us a vain conversation, we got these traditions from our fathers, and they caused us to live from a vain unprofitable LIFESTYLE, we no longer can live out from the history of our fathers, these TRADITIONS bring us back into the nature of the nat...
  PART ONE OF FIVE TEACHING OF WORDS THAT CARRY THE VALUE OF 666---In all the languages, all the words that we have, there are only five words that have a numeral value of 666, they are, PERISH, TRADITION, SIDE, WEALTH, SCATTERED, Let me say it this way, any time that we have these words working in our lives in the negative form, we are being affected by the nature of the beast, the nature of the Anti- Christ, as we look at these words, let come to understand how we can overcome, the fleshly conversation of the deeds, and lifestyle of the earthy man, and see that our conversation is in heaven from where we look for Christ our savior, and come to know through the renewal of the mind, THE TRANSFORMATION, TO BECOME THE HEAVENLY MAN, IN THE HEAVENLY CHRIST, THAT COMES TO KNOW AND PROVE, THE GOOD ACCEPTABLE AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD. Anytime that we fine ourselves perishing, we are being affected by the nature of the six man. Scripture tells us our outward man is perishing, yet the inward...
Entertaining The Angel, causes us to no longer be strangers, receive the message, receive the messenger, we preach Christ;
Yes his mercy does endure forever, the Lord wants us to share the love of Christ and help the homeless, the hungry, the hopeless, those that are down trodden, those that are in need. There are so many that need our help , so many that are at the bottom of the barrel" so many that don't know which way to go so let us share from our blessings, this is a great word,
Creation is pregnant with divine expectation, we are being filled with life, RESURRECTION LIFE. WE ARE FULL OF EXPECTANT GREETINGS FOR AN AWESOME COMING GOD. We stand on the verge of living in and through an all present and available, all powerful all consuming God. As the spirit of God touches our Spirit, telling us who he is and who we have become. We know who he is and we know who we are, FATHER AND SONS AND DAUGHTERS. We are awakened to an unbelievable inheritance, IN CHRIST. THE WORLD ONLY OFFERS US TRIBULATION, WHILE CHRIST GIVES TO US HIS MOST WONDERFUL PEACE. None of this even fazes us, the love of our Lord is so real all around us. I am so greatly assured that nothing living, nothing dead, even the Angelic, or the demonic, today or tomorrow, nothing high or low, thinkable or unthinkable, absolutely nothing can get between us and our God' s love, It is Jesus our Lord who holds us so closely, with his heavenly embrace. Let us go forward, in the full assurance of the blessed...