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Showing posts from March, 2023

A virtuous woman

Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,  here is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Who can find a woman? If the father is looking for a virtuous woman, it must not be easy to find. If you have to find something, then it first had to be lost. I believe only the one who has made us virtuous, can find a virtuous Woman. Virtuous describes the woman. Which means strength, the women would be the soul, the church, or our entire being. The redemptive work of Christ has made us a virtuous woman. It is our strength; we would have no strength without it. Once we begin to understand the death, burial and the resurrection of Christ, we start to understand most holy place things. We get our light (understanding) from the Ark, which is Christ. We are no longer in the outer court, where we have a natural understanding or the holy place where we have to be taught. A virtuous woman feeds on bread and wine. Before the death, burial and...

The blood

A rattlesnake bit one of my sheep in the face about a week ago. Deadliest snake that lives around here. The sheep’s face swelled up and hurt her terribly. But the old rattlesnake didn't know the kind of blood that flows through the sheep. Anti-venom is most often made from sheep's blood. The sheep swelled for about 2 days but the blood of the lamb destroyed the venom of the serpent. I was worried but the sheep didn't care. She kept on eating, kept on drinking and kept on climbing because she knew she was alright. Often the serpents of this life will reach out and bite us. They inject their poison into us but they cannot overcome the Blood of the Lamb of God that washes away the sin of the world and the sting of death. Don't worry about the serpent or his bite, just make sure that the Lamb's Blood is flowing through your veins. Author Unknown


RUNNING FROM GOD'S PRESENCE ; Far too many believers have been like Jonah, they have run from the presence of God, and now they are paying the fare, they are in The bottom of the ship of life asleep, as the storm rages and what they have done is affecting every body around them to the point that everybody is looking for the reason everything is going so bad, looking for someone to blame it on, they come to terms, and decide it is Jonah's fault, so they throw him overboard to save themselves. Well in God's plan of things, he hath prepared for the Whale to come by and swallow Jonah. Too many believers have run from God's presence till things get so bad, things get out of control, and when it gets out of man's control, God steps up and takes control, Jonah is in the bottom of the sea, and he is on the menu of the whale of God, God controls his creation, sad to say that animals listen to God better than man does, the rooster in peters new day crowed. The lions in Danie...

Faithful to the death.

 FAITHFUL TO THE DEATH; Jesus said,That the things that he had spoken, was so that we the believer could have peace "in him" he also said that in the world there would be some TRIBULATION, BUT FOR US TO BE OF GOOD CHEER, BECAUSE " HE HAD OVERCOME THE WORLD" John-16-33 Then Jesus speaking to the CHURCH AT SMYRNA,  he told them something else, that will get you through the Tribulation, he told them that some of them would have some trials and testing and have Tribulation for 10 days, he told them to be thou faithful unto death, and l will give you a crown of life. There are some who have come to a physical death, but here l DON'T think that he is speaking of a physical death that we are to be faithful to. He is telling these saints that the way through Tribulation, the way through this trial and testing, is to be faithful to our death that happened  in Christ on the cross. Jesus in Hebrews-2-14 took part of flesh and blood because his brethren had also took part o...

Faithful to the death

FAITHFUL TO THE DEATH; Jesus said,That the things that he had spoken, was so that we the believer could have peace "in him" he also said that in the world there would be some TRIBULATION, BUT FOR US TO BE OF GOOD CHEER, BECAUSE " HE HAD OVERCOME THE WORLD" John-16-33 Then Jesus speaking to the CHURCH AT SMYRNA, he told them something else, that will get you through the Tribulation, he told them that some of them would have some trials and testing and have Tribulation for 10 days, he told them to be thou faithful unto death, and l will give you a crown of life. There are some who have come to a physical death, but here l DON'T think that he is speaking of a physical death that we are to be faithful to. He is telling these saints that the way through Tribulation, the way through this trial and testing, is to be faithful to our death that happened in Christ on the cross. Jesus in Hebrews-2-14 took part of flesh and blood because his brethren had also took part of ...

A graveyard mentality

A GRAVE YARD MENTALITY; Exodus-14-11 And they said unto Moses, because there are no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? Wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? One of the only reasons church goers go to, or stay in certain churches, is that there is where all their family is buried, and that they want to have a grave yard to be buried in. The children of Israel were no DIFFERENT, than a lot of believers of our day, they were more concerned with where they were going to be buried, than they were with deliverance, and a full life in the land of MILK AND HONEY, THE PROMISE LAND WAS NOT ENGRAINED IN THEIR THINKING, THEY HAD DYING AND BEING BURIED IN THE GRAVEYARD ON THEIR MINDS. After Jesus arose, some of the disciples came to the tomb, to the graveyard, after seeing the stone rolled away and a empty tomb, they were asking where have you laid him, so we can come and take him, The Angel messengers said, WHY SEEK YE THE LIVING A...

The face of Jesus is revealed.

THE FACE OF JESUS IS REVEALED IN A PEOPLE; Ephesians-2-8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God: We are saved by faith in the Gift of God, which is the work of Jesus Christ. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. We put our faith in the work of Jesus, and not in our self. When you hear the word preached with clarity and with Revelation, then you can believe it and it will bring you into a higher position of maturity. The maturity of the believer is measured by how much we know about the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, and our union with him. We must come to knowing, then we allow what we know to bring us into THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT, AND INTO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH; Where the body of Christ becomes one joined to God, as their Faith begins to work as one Faith, even the FAITH OF THE SON OF GOD; ONE SPIRIT, ONE FAITH, WORKING FROM ONE BODY, THE BODY OF CHRIST, RECEIVING DIRECTION FROM THE HEAD, FROM THE THRONE OF GOD...

Much more of christ

THE MUCH MORE OF CHRIST; Romans-5-9-10 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, MUCH MORE, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. Our justification comes through his blood, and our salvation, our saving is the deliverance from any wrath, Jesus took our wrath upon himself on the cross. While we were still enemies, still God's adversaries, God through Christ reconciled us, BY THE DEATH OF HIS SON, Reconciliation come through the death of Christ on the cross, by the death of God's own son he is no longer mad at any of us. It is so important that we accept the death of Jesus Christ, that will remove the wrath, remove The Anger of God and reconcile us back into the grace, THE DIVINE FAVOR OF GOD. AND MUCH MORE WE BEING RECONCILED, NOW WE ARE SAVED BY THE LIFE THAT JESUS LIVES THROUGH EACH AND EVERY BELIEVER, That is why the Apostle Paul said,...

man in the middle

THE GREATNESS OF GRACE: The Thief on the cross was cussing, and railing, he had no service, no works, he had not been baptized, he had never been to church, his record said, he was a thief, when asked, WHAT DID YOU DO TO GET INTO  HEAVEN? His only answer, his only reason, was, THE MAN ON THE MIDDLE CROSS SAID THAT IT WAS ALRIGHT FOR ME TO BE HERE. THAT IS WHAT WE CALL GRACE. I'm

SEEK&SAVE SOLUTION BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ORGANIZATION. In 2013, I got certified as a Bail bond recovery agent and I have been working in this field to date. In addition to that, I am also an ordained Minister. While working in the Bail bonding field combined with my passion to help people, I noticed a crisis in the area of Mental health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This formed the basis of establishing Seek&Save Solution under SOTE2022 to help address these underlying challenges. This also led me to become a Certified Peer Support Specialist with SC Shares. Currently, we are operating from 2 Underwood Avenue, Great Falls, SC 29055. We own the commercial properties at 308, 310, 312 Dearborn Street, Great Falls, SC 29055, where we plan to relocate in the future after renovations. We are also mobile with commuting to detention centers in South Carolina. WHO WE ARE Seek&Save Solutions is a program under Salt of the earth...

Search the scriptures

Search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and they are they which testify of Me. John 5:39 It is striking that those who knew the Scriptures the best, the Pharisees, were the very ones who looked Jesus in the face and missed God completely. The veil on their hearts, which could only be taken away by turning to Christ, had blinded them. Paul goes on to tell Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:15: and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. There is benefit in knowing the Scriptures. They are not salvation in themselves but are able to make you wise unto salvation. Jesus is salvation and it is the revelation of Christ in the Scriptures that is needed. I like to say it like this: Read where it is alive, pray where it is alive, worship where it is alive. When you read a Scripture, the life that reaches and quickens you is the Christ you experience. The Scriptures paint the pi...


THE LAST ENEMY, THE CARNAL MINDThe last enemy to be put under foot is death, to be carnally minded is death, "UNTIL"  THE. LIFE IN OUR SPIRIT PREVAILS OVER THE SOUL, THEN IMMORTALITY WILL INVADE OUR BODIES:" The Appointment with death has been met in Christ: HEBREWS-9-26-28. EVERY MAN HAD AN APPOINTMENT TO DIE, THEN COME TO A JUDGMENT, CHRIST WAS OFFERED FOR THE SINS OF US ALL THEN HE ALSO MET OUR JUDGMENT: When someone steps up and gets the mind renewed, fully, when the carnal mind is removed, then the body will be fully affected and men will stop dying. This is provided for, and has been in affect for over 2000 years, but no one has stepped up, and walked in the fullness of the ENDLESS LIFE that Christ has provided us, a firstfruit company will, and will bring it to the rest that will be ALIVE AND REMAIN SO JESUS CAN STAND UP, AS NOW HE SITS UNTIL EVERY LAST ENEMY IS PUT UNDER FOOT.The carnal mind removed from creation, BRINGS JESUS BACK: 1st Corinthians-15-23-25!!! ...
THE PLACE: Moreover l will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore, as beforetime. 2nd Samuel-7-10 But now hath God set the MEMBERS EVERYONE OF THEM IN THE BODY, AS IT HATH PLEASED HIM. 1sr Corinthians-12-18 God's people everyone of them have a place, God has planted them, they have a dwelling place, a place of their own, a place where they DON'T have to move anymore. And in that place God says The Children of wickedness will not afflict them anymore., that place is THE BODY OF CHRIST. God has placed his people in a safe place, in the name of the Lord, The Name of the Lord is a strong Tower: The Righteous runneth into it AND IS SAFE. Proverbs-18-10. God has placed us into Christ, given us his name, and we his people are very very safe.

Godrules teaches its us giving our lives to God and not HIM giving His l...

 THAT MOMENT WHEN THE RESIDUE OF ADAM IS REMOVED; The viper latches on to the Apostle Paul on the island of Melita, Melita means, The honey has been made pure, The Apostle Paul who once had been one who had made havoc of the church Acts-8-3 and killed and destroyed those of the way of faith, now had the promise land abiding within him, as the milk and honey now flowed purely in his veins, the glory of the promise land was his meat Ezekiel-20-6. When the serpent latches on to him these islanders said he had to be a murderer who had escaped the sea, the serpent's bite would tell them whether or not any part of the murder still existed in this man. The Apostle Paul said this in 2nd Corinthians-7-2 Receive us we have wronged no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man. The serpent's bite would tell all who were concerned whether or not this man was a murderer or a TRUE APOSTLE, Was any of that nature still in this man or was he truly a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST. They wa...