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Showing posts from April, 2023

The 5 senses of a spiritual man.

THE FIVE SENSES OF THE SPIRITUAL MAN: Strong meat belongs to those who have exercised their senses to discern good and evil Hebrews-5-14. The five senses of the spiritual man, come together through those who have matured enough to eat the strong meat, Jesus said in the gospel of John-4-34 that his meat was to finish the work of the father who had sent him into the earth to reconcile and redeem fallen man, and that his meat was also to do all the will of his father. When the mature believer discerns good and evil, he finds that good and evil are the same stick, the same two ended stick, that brings death to those who partake of it. The spiritual man only partakes of the TREE OF LIFE.  The spiritual man operates only from spiritual senses that have been excerised to operate in the high places from the midst of the throne of God. They only operate from the heavenly place in Christ. The have spiritual eyes that can see within, their vision is before and behind, they have the eyes of un...


WALKING TOGETHER AS AGREED; Amos-3-3 say can Two walk together lest they be agreed? When your Spirit is one with and Joined to God, 1st Cor-6-17 and your Soul, your mind is still carnal, When there is life in your Spirit, and death in your soul, when your Spirit walks in the will of the Father, but the soul, the mind, is not yet renewed to be able to prove what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God, then there is a conflict in your walk, there is no agreement to walk together, The Apostle Peter said when the husband and the wife are at odds, their prayers are hindered. When the Spirit, the masculine part of you, the husband of Spirit is on one track, and the soul, the mind, the feminine part of you is walking some where else, Psalm-34-2, my soul shall make her boast, when the husband of Spirit and the soul, the woman, the bride part of us, is on two different walks, and are contrary to one another, the believers prayers are really hindered, it is a doubled minded sit...

Ecept the Lord build the house.

EXCEPT THE LORD BUILD THE HOUSE; By faith Abraham was called out into a place, even a place he would receive as an inheritance, HE WENT NOT KNOWING WHITHER HE WENT: BY FAITH, he sojourned in the land, as in a strange country, as he dwelt in tabernacles, with Isaac and Jacob, who were heirs of the same promise: FOR HE LOOKED FOR A CITY WHICH HATH FOUNDATIONS, WHOSE BUILDER AND MAKER IS GOD, Hebrews-11-8-10. Jesus talked of that same city, as he spoke to his disciples, he said, Ye are the light of the world, A CITY THAT IS SET ON A HILL CANNOT BE HID. Psalm-2-6 the Psalmist said, that also A KING, GOD SAID, " MY KING IS SET UPON MY HOLY HILL, so we see the city is set upon a hill and the king of that city is set upon a hill also, AND THIS CITY WITH ITS KING IS SET UPON A HILL.So Abraham searched for this city, and we Gods people look for this city, and the builder and maker is God, we should not have a problem finding this city, Jesus said, IT COULD NOT BE HIDDEN; We must look to th...

what are we doing to ourselves

WHAT WE ARE DOING TO OURSELVES: Revelation-2-14-15But l have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the Children of lsrael, to eat things sacrificed unto Idols, and commit fornication.So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate. In the book of Numbers chapters, 22 and 23 and 24 we see where Balaam tried to prophecy against the Children of Israel and every time he ended up blessing them instead. Balac would get mad at him for this, because he was paying the prophet to curse them. Balaam finally saw that his cursing would not work against a people that God had so abundantly blessed. But in the end the thing that caused Israel to fall into a cursed life was because Balaam told Balac, " IF YOU CAN GET THESE PEOPLE TO PERVERT THEMSELVES. WITH IDOLS AND SACRIFICING TO HEATHREN GODS THEN GOD WILL LIFT HIS BLESSINGS AND LET YOU COME AGAINST THEM"...

The man with the right answer

THE MAN WITH THE RIGHT ANSWERS; EPHESIANS-4-13 SAYS, Until we all come into the unity of the faith, UNTIL, we all come to the KNOWLEDGE of the SON OF GOD, unto a PERFECT MAN, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. The until is to all of the body of Christ, to every believer. THIS IS SPEAKING ABOUT COMING TO THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST HEAD AND BODY, OPERATIONAL AS A PERFECT ONE MAN IN THE EARTH FULLY EQUIPPED TO BE THE ANSWER, AND HAVE THE ANSWERS FOR EVERY PROBLEM KNOWN TO MANKIND. Colossians-4-6 says, we are to let our speech be seasoned with salt, with grace, so that we know how to answer every man. 1st Peter-3-15 gives us the same word, just a little better detailed. We are to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and be ready to answer every man that ask us for the reason of the hope that is in us with meekness and fear. We are as BELIEVERS, to have answers for the reason that we are not like other men with out hope. How can we have answer? 1st John-2-20 ...

whole armour of God

THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD; We are told to put the whole armour of God on, the armour of God Produces wholeness, produces protection on every part of our being. Isaiah-59-19 says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him, THE STANDARD IS THE NATURE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. ISAIAH54-14 SAYS, No weapon formed against the believer will prosper. Of course we must be armed with the whole armour of God so that we can stand. AFTER WE HAVE DONE ALL TO STAND, THEN WE STAND, God see our willingness to stand, and after we have done, or give our all, then God will hold you up and cause you to stand.we must always realize that our enemy is not flesh and blood, but Spiritual wickedness, IN THE HIGH PLACES. PRINCIPALITIES, AND POWERS, AND RULERS OF DARKNESS.Darkness is ignorance, having no understanding, 2nd Cor-2-11 tell us that we need to know the devices of our enemy. The only way that the enemy can destroy God's people is l...


  DON'T BE DECEIVED;When the 1000 years, or day of the Lord is finished in a people, which is when believers come into the rest of God and cease to do their on works, and are only led to do what the Spirit say to the churches, then satan is loosed from his prison, and the GREATEST realm of deception ever know to man kind will begin, now the message concerning false Gods coming from the heavens, talk like false revelation like Ezekiel wheel in a wheel being a flying saucer, which it is not, it is a picture of the Most Holy Place, but l believe the government's of the world are planning a world wide take over, through religious deception, and demons which will lead through his messengers and manifest out openly, bring world wide deception, that will deceive many, only the elect will not be deceived, the nations will be deceived, through out the four quarters of the earth, the devil will manifest as a false GOD, there will be false Christs that will deceive many, a number that is ...

its the CEREMONIAL LAW Not the MORAL LAW that we are Not Under - NO! IT'...  


THE WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST;John- 14-12 Jesus said, IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS; The works of Christ are what saved us, but our obedience has to do with our love of the Lord. Also Jesus said, Why called ye me Lord, Lord, and do not the things that l say. It is important that we are sealed into allowing his Lordship to cause us to do what the Lord Says. The Apostle James said, be ye not hearer of the word only, but be ye doers of the word. Acts-1-1 said, All of the things that Jesus did and taught, it is important to see that Jesus first did, and then he taught, far too many teach and never set the example of doing the things that you teach. It should always be in our thoughts that we do not do to be, but we are who we are by what Jesus did, so because we are who we are by what Christ did, now we live and move, and have our being in and out and through him . So instead of doing to be, we be to do, all of our doing come out of our being, OUT OF WHO WE ARE, OUT OF WHO CHRIST HAS MA...


WHEN THERE IS NO KING;In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Judges-17-6 and Judges-21-25 Jesus is KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS, his kingship, has opened the door of our being able to be Kings of the same encounter, the same order, ruling and reigning out of the same Authority, over and from the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Righteousness,Peace, and Joy in and out from the HOLY GHOST. KINGS WITH A RIGHT STANDING, KINGS OF PEACEFUL INVOLVEMENT, AND KINGS OF THE REALM OF JOY. God through Jesus Christ has made a people, THAT ARE KINGS AND PRIEST IN AND FROM THE REALM OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. OUR GOD REIGNS. Thank God that because there is a King in Israel, we no longer do that which is only right in our own eyes, but every King in Israel, also is under that ONE KING, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, These Kings do not break Rank, do not break order, but are exercised by only the WORDS OF A LIVING GOD. HERE IN HIS KINGDOM, GOD SPEAK...


FIVE WORDS OF THE HEAVENS Psalm 115 says in the realm of heaven, GOD ALWAYS DOES WHAT PLEASES HIM; Our Conversation, our lifestyle is in heaven from whence we look for Jesus, Philippians-3-20. So as a Spiritual believer, one who lives in and by the Spirit, we travel, we live move and have our being from the realms of the Spirit, we are led by the Holy Spirit, we speak to him, and he speaks to us, we have our communication our Spiritual understanding, he direct us from his position beside the seated Christ, out of a finished work, that he causes us to live out of, he says to us, IT IS NO LONGER ABOUT YOUR WORKS, YOUR DOINGS, YOUR CREATED DEVICES, THESE YOU MUST OVERCOME, AND YIELD YOURSELVES TO ONLY WHAT THE SPIRIT OF GOD SPEAKS INTO YOUR LIFE, THE HOLY SPIRIT BEGINS TO OVERSHADOW THOSE WHO OVERCOME THEIR WORKS AND EARTHLY INVOLVEMENTS WITH MAN'S TRADITIONS. Those who are called up into this higher conservations of life, this lifestyle called the heavenly begin to only hear THE MUS...


THE STANDARD, THE ENSIGN, THE VALUE, And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his Rest shall be glorious ISAIAH-11-10. There is a GENERATION, THE CHRIST GENERATION, FIRSTFRUITS OUT OF EVERY GENERATION, THAT STEP UP, STEP OUT, STEP INTO THE FOOT STEPS OF CHRIST; FOLLOW THE LAMB WHITHERSOEVER HE GOETH. These are generation warriors, that know their value, know their worth, they know the price that was paid for their SALVATION, THEIR DELIVERANCE, THEY OVERCOME BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST; These know their identity, they know who they are in Christ, and their values, their standards, are high. THE STANDARD, THE MEASURE IS CHRIST. THESE SEEK THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD, TO BECOME THE PERFECT MAN:

Ecclesiastes-10-2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand

Ecclesiastes-10-2 A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. The indoctrination of the foolish left, is the problem in our country, from their wicked heart, the left side of foolishness is taught through liberalism, and people become so wicked they use guns to kill others, then the left sided wicked want to take the good guys guns, that are wise enough to use guns for the right reason, the right always are projected to be the evil in the earth. EVEN THE WORD OF GOD SHOW US THE LEFT IS WRONG, LIBERALISM IS EVIL, SOCIALIST COMMUNISM IS NOT THE WAY TO GO, OUR COUNTRY NEEDS TO STAY FREE, DEMOCRATS NEED TO BE PUT IN JAIL FOR THEIR TRAITORS WAYS, THEY SEEM TO WALK ABOVE THE LAW, BILL CLINTON PAID A WHORE, AND WAS PRAISED, MR. TRUMP WAS ACCUSED OF THE SAME THINKG AND NOW THEY ARE READY TO ARREST HIM


LIVING FROM THE FIRST RESURRECTION; Revelation-20-5-6 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.THIS IS THE FIRST RESURRECTION. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. The thousand years is The Day of the Lord, remember Peter said a day and a thousand years are the same. John the apostle said in writing the book of Revelation that he was in Spirit, on the day of the Lord. Ephesians-2-6 says, And Hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ. This is a position of every believer, however not many are living from this experience, The day of the Lord will have to be finished in a people, before many every take part in the first Resurrection and reign with Christ as a King Priest ministry in the day of the Lord. Those who do know Christ in the first resurrection,...